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Tata Group’s Pioneering Move: Collaborates with Taiwanese Giants for Cutting-Edge Semiconductor Factory in Gujarat’s Dholera

News Date 2024-05-27

Tata Group’s Pioneering Move: Collaborates with Taiwanese Giants for Cutting-Edge Semiconductor Factory in Gujarat’s Dholera

Tata Group’s Pioneering Move: Collaborates with Taiwanese Giants for Cutting-Edge Semiconductor Factory in Gujarat’s Dholera


The Tata Group, under the leadership of Chairman N Chandrasekaran, is gearing up to make history with the establishment of India’s first major chipmaking plant. The conglomerate has set its sights on a semiconductor factory in Dholera, Gujarat, with ambitious plans to collaborate with Taiwanese giants, Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation and UMC Group. Talks are progressing, and Tata Sons aims to commence the groundbreaking process by March 2024.

Courtesy:- https://beforeyoutake.com/news/electronics-news/tata-chip-taiwan-collab/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR07edY3b_FjcGb7Hcy-MqSEUUdLg-ZNCz2_Yb973bpLo6m9ThBYvh9DNfA_aem_AWt9mBXXyfUKN3HpfdmJMSLVjXpiqKU6hrRIsJeYewDR6UsHMRN3k-WlHyG0AXYXZAwkfot4aMc7q4Btj2ciS-lu

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