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Dholera SIR Enquiry

250 Meters wide 10 Lane Dholera Expressway

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is looking for tenders for the development of three segments of the Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway Project.

The project was reported in March 2010 and is at present expected to cost around Rs30bn ($428.67m), up from the first gauge of Rs22bn ($314.13m).

It will interface Dholera SIR and the proposed Dholera Airport, just as the seaside regions of Bhavnagar and Amreli to Ahmedabad.

Invested individuals can present their delicate by the cutoff time of mid-February.

The development agreements have an all out estimation of Rs24.31bn ($347.41m)."One progressively delicate of around Rs6bn ($85.74m) might be reported soon."

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is relied upon to establish the framework stone of the venture in February one year from now with finishing booked by 2022.

Gujarat Chief Minister head secretary Manoj Das told the distribution that the compulsory 80% land procurement work for the Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway is finished.

"One progressively delicate of around Rs6bn ($85.74m) might be reported soon."

The Ahmedabad-Dholera Expressway Project was affirmed by Cabinet Ministry in February a year ago under the Bharatmala Project.

A six-path double carriageway roadway will be developed under the task, with a choice to extend it up to ten paths in Gujarat Dholera Smart City.

The interstate will bolster quick and simple travel inside the area with a proposed structure speed of 120km/h.

New Launch Project