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Dholera Chip Plant | PSMC has given us access to a wide portfolio of technology: Tata Chair Natarajan Chandrasekaran

News Date 2024-05-28

Dholera Chip Plant | PSMC has given us access to a wide portfolio of technology: Tata Chair Natarajan Chandrasekaran

India's semiconductor industry is gaining momentum with Tata Group's Dholera plant set to unveil the nation's first indigenous chip by 2026. With a massive investment of Rs 91,000 crore, the joint venture between Tata Electronics and PSMC promises a manufacturing capacity of 50,000 wafers per month

Courtesy: - https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/psmc-has-given-us-access-to-a-wide-portfolio-of-technology-tata-chair-natarajan-chandrasekaran-12449981.html fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR0Gu6Z1QMQXu2fn0MRlaLoRjZyJqJveT1k2QZYFV4ZvZDNtgZxW



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